Worldcon 76: My Experience. PROLOGUE

Worldcon 76: My Experience. PROLOGUE

Since last Thursday I've been surrounded by the incredible fandom that is the science fiction and fantasy communities. People walked around in various cosplay, from airship pilots and paladins to druids and stormtroopers. Purchases were made from the dealer's floor. New friends were found. Connections with agents and editors were established. I attended the Hugos for the first time.

And I met my critique partner for the first time.

There is much that can be covered, and I plan on sharing everything with you... just not tonight. 

However, I'll be doing something a little different this week. Something I haven't done for any writing-related event until now. Yes, I will be creating multiple posts in a single week, documenting the myriad of experiences that I had during the five days of Worldcon 76. The next three posts, from Tuesday to Thursday, will be one hundred percent Worldcon! Expect pictures, musings on the many sessions I sat through, thoughts on the protests which occurred on Saturday, opinions on the conference itself, and my reaction to NK Jemisin's speech during her acceptance of the Hugo award for best novel.

Buckle your seat belt - you'll be taken for a ride!

Worldcon 76: My Experience, Part 1

Worldcon 76: My Experience, Part 1

Non-Disclosure Agreements and the Writing Community

Non-Disclosure Agreements and the Writing Community