Post Zero: What to Expect

Post Zero: What to Expect

Welcome to Trevor Writes!

This post is not so much a proper post but more of a preamble for the seismic shift in my career that's linked with this blog and website.  Therefore, let's get down to business!  

The primary goal of this blog is to keep you connected with my experiences as I write my book - and all that happens once I have a complete manuscript to present for my efforts.  I intend on sharing not only the progress on my first novel, but also a smattering of personal influences and experiences that wrap themselves with my life as the weeks and months come and go.

I have a few ways to communicate with my readers:

  • At least two blog posts a month, to be posted on Mondays (today is the only exception).
  • At least one post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter per week.  

To keep folks up to speed on my progress over time without needing to jump to my website on a daily basis (I won't stop you if you decide to do that, though), I'll also be managing a newsletter that I'll send out on a monthly basis to all those that sign up via the Contact page.  The newsletter, at least initially, will consist of collected blog post links for the month, along with some additional words from me regarding the progress of my book.  Of course, if you have ideas on what else I could potentially share in my newsletters, feel free to comment below with your thoughts!

The same Contact page can be used to jump-start one-on-one conversations with me via email - feel free to share your personal or business website if it's appropriate for what you'd like to talk about.

I don't know if I'm committing too much on the social media front, but it sounds like a reasonable way to kick things off. Regardless of my communication plans, my core focus is on my novel - that will never waver.

Again, thank you for following me.  Stay tuned for my next post in two weeks!

...And so The Adventure Begins...

...And so The Adventure Begins...